18 December 2008

To Your Good Elf

A Christmas mystery.

Where is Nick?

He's in front of a snow covered Christmas scene, but by the blurring, he appears to be bouncing around.

Are his little feet cold in the snow?

Here he is inside Santa's Helper's secret cave.

A secret cave, complete with beaded seat.

Where could Nick be?

Obviously, riding around in Santa's Helper's cab.

The thing that really charmed me about this lunatic, is that he is an Afghani Muslim.

He was, and I quote, "Trying to show some respect to the Australian culture and religion. I move here, is good, they say to me 'Why you do it' I say to them, 'To show that is easy to respect the other people's religion'."

He asked me what Christmas music I wanted to hear. I wanted to say 'None, it drives me up the wall' but thought better of it.

"Mariah Carey, All I want for Christmas," I said.
"No problem. I got." He pulls out an enormous CD collection, and puts his hand straight on it.

This is the vigour and tenacity that Afghans apply to celebrating a cultural tradition that isn't even theirs...

We are currently prosecuting a war on their home turf over something a few of them are genuinely passionate about.

We don't stand a chance.


  1. My dearest friend Lasitha is from Sri Lanka, but aparently here in Midwest no-mans-land this means he's an arabian terrorist. He's buddhist and loves all holidays. He loves to celebrate Hanukkah with us, Christmas with the elderly lady he takes care of, Thanksgiving with everyone he can, the list goes on and on of all the holidays he embraces despite not having celebrated them prior. We could all take a little lesson in his tolerance and acceptance, and in that of your Christmas Elf taxi driver too.

  2. I could take a little lesson from a guy who can take so many holidays...

  3. Lasitha literally celebrates every holiday that there is to celebrate here in America. This is funny because he's a pretty sardonic character who's getting his Phd in Political Science- his thesis work is on Angel Dust/PCP and drug racketeering. Who would combine that with an intense love of holidays? He even gave me, one year for Valentines Day, a Valentines Day tree. I kid you not- pink and red sparkling tree strung with heart and cupid bowws and arrows and heart lights. It's awful and beautiful all at once.

  4. Awful and beautiful all at once also; is the unrequited love between adoring gay-boy and het-girl.

    Seriously, we at the AGA Institute are willing and able to help.

    Fees negotiable on sliding scale of erotic interest.
