06 July 2012

Fitting Tribute

Garfield on the inside of the car window revealed you as a deep thinker. Baby on board told us we owed you some respect for having bred. Stick figure representations of your family made us give a crap about the delicious unity of your domestic bliss. The hibiscus flower transfers match your southern cross tattoo beautifully and the rosary-with-cross sticker on the back window warn me that not only are you not very smart, but that you think traffic accidents are an act of god.

What I cannot get my head around though, is the thinking behind treating your car like a mobile tombstone. Why has it become fashionable to put “In loving memory of Guido, 1990 – 2011” on the back window of your 20-year-old Torago, cuz? Is “RIP Paikea” printed in crooked type across the tinting of your rusting Commodore a suitable eulogy to your dead bro, considering he killed himself street racing?

The mind bending bathos of this is going to come home when you have to sell, or better yet, take to the wreckers, your heap of crap car. Stay classy, yo!