11 July 2009

Ah, Let 'Em in. How Much Damage Can They Do?

China. The Middle Kingdom. Mysterious Orient. Most populous place on Earth. Home of the panda… So I’m going there in October to give them a piece of my mind. Emergency Contact is part of the tour, which will be nice. I expect her to do the holding while I do the kicking.

The Chinese like a visa process. They appear to like a lengthy visa process. In fact, when you are accidentally arriving in the middle of the 60 year anniversary of Communism, they like a visa process that takes a quarter of a year.

EC and I toddled off the shops to get the snaps done that are required to go on the visa applications and the little Chinese man at the photo shop must have thought that we looked like the sort that would bring valuable tourist dollars into the homeland, because he gave us a leg-up with our visa applications.

He left the camera on a macro sort of fish-eye setting and it has given me and EC a particular kind of look. There is absolutely no way that the Chinese authorities are going to look at those photos and think to themselves, “Ahhh, here are the deadly secret agents the west are sending to bring down Communism in our glorious 60th year.”

No, they’re more likely to be wondering why we’re not riding around in a special bus under adult supervision.

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