02 November 2010

Go Away. You're Lowering My Property Value

Yesterday, I was witness to one of those interactions that really let you know you’re in a classy part of town.

I was at the counter of the local inconvenience shop, when an over-made-up slapper in a poor choice of boob-tube pushed past me and said,

“Gimme a packet of (brand) cigarettes and gimme one with a nice picture on it will ya, or he’ll send me back?”

Twenty one words that say it all.


  1. Class in capitals. With a lower case c and l.

  2. The more and more these slappers and uber bogans procreate the closer they are getting to branching off in reverse back down the human evolutionary family tree.

    Charlton Heston will find himself on a beach in the future surrounded by horrible bogans only to look up to see the remains of the sydney opera house....."YOU IDIOTS! you blew it all to hell when you didn't sterilize anyone called sharon or bazza"
