11 February 2012

Enemy Mine

If you’re going to have a nemesis it’s important to have a good quality one. Take me for instance… I have a proper one. I loathe and detest my nemesis to a level where I actually lose sleep over them. I stay awake, just to get in a little extra loathing. My nemesis is able to affect my life. He can make it good or bad. I'm pretty sure I can affect his.

I have talked to my nemesis every week, for at least an hour, for the last three years. I always talk to them on a Wednesday. That’s important, that is. You’ve got to have regular contact with your nemesis. You can’t just see them every now and then down the street or at school reunions. You’ve got to know them nearly as well as you know yourself.

I know my nemesis so well that my hatred is not pure. Sometimes, I feel a little sorry for them. Sometimes, I even see their point of view. That’s the way it has got to be with a nemesis. There has to be a little yin with the yang. There has to be some dependence on each other. Something that binds us inexorably across the fields of space and time. There has to be, let’s face it, a little love smattered through the deep, stinky veins of hatred.

I get shaky and angry for about 12 hours before I talk to them, and I feel an almost pathetic sense of relief when the phone call ends - and that’s where I want to thank my nemesis. Because, I talk to them on a Wednesday and after it’s over, I almost feel like the weekend has started. Everything else feels easy.

Thank you nemesis, for being such an unholy thorn in my side that I am able to relish at least two days of the working week. If and when our relationship is over, we'll keep in touch of FoesBook.