18 February 2012

Next Week, On "Who's Your Favourite Baldwin?"...

I tweeted recently that we had had our inaugural game of “Who’s your favourite Baldwin”... and that Daniel was the winner.

I need to elaborate. Smurfy found this in Wikipedia:

In 1998, Baldwin was found running naked through the halls of New York's Plaza Hotel shouting "Baldwin!" and was arrested for possession of cocaine.

There’s nothing in that that sentence that isn’t good, but there is a fair amount that is baffling.

Yelling your own name… as though you have just won something. Brilliant. Makes the copper’s jobs a bit easier, too.

Arrested for possession of cocaine. While naked. Where was he snorting it from? Brilliant.

Again, from the same reliable source:

Baldwin starred on the VH1 reality television show Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew, filmed in 2007, but left the show after the fourth episode. His stated reasons for leaving included having a prior commitment to an acting job and the others' behavior interfering with his recovery, but it is eventually revealed that he left because of inappropriate text messages he had sent to Mary Carey, fellow patient in the same treatment group as him

The only thing that’s not so brilliant about that is we originally read it as Mariah Carey and fell about laughing for about fifteen minutes. Can’t explain why. It’s not as funny when it’s not her, but as he seems to be living in a fantasy land so, you know, goose, gander, Baldwin.