10 January 2011

Well, That Didn't Take Long

One of the nice things about the Christmas/New Year break from work is coming back to the office and revelling in the extra-special cleanliness of the place. Before the cleaning staff go off for their holidays, they put in that end of year spit and shine that really makes it a pleasure to return to the ol’ grindstone.

Hello desk, you look very clear and white. Look at your dust-free surface. You have come up a treat. Hello carpet, look at your fluffy loopiness and pristine, industrial-grey expanses. Hello whiteboard, the last time I saw you, you had all that 2011 forward planning and release dates and holiday scheduling and now you’re a flawless, polished white. Not a jot of writing on you. Isn’t that terrif… wait.


  1. Either you're being sarcastic, or you've read 2011 and thought 2010. I'll assume sarcastic.

  2. Do you work with Ros Kelly? N9M
