Like many of you I’m sure, I work in a company that likes to put the odd environmental challenge before its workers.
Depending on where you sit in my office, we go from arctic tundra blasts to tropical zephyrs within 20 feet. One person has the heater on in summer, whilst I quite regularly fall asleep on chilly days because the mercury is topping out at 25C inside. (That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.)
So when I arrived in the canteen shivering yesterday, Sticky Monster saw my plight and offered me her giant mug of chicken cuppa-soup to warm my hands.
In an ill-conceived moment of hijinkery, I dropped the mug down to crutch level and pretended to warm my hands over it a-la hobo style. Stick recoiled screaming, protesting that she used to like that mug, and the soup was totally ruined now.
I need to say at this point that there was no contact with any part of the crockery, with any part of my clothing, let alone cockery. And her explanation was particularly hurtful but enlightening.
“NO, you see it’s the fact that around there, parts of bodily moisture become airborne and can get into anything… right there around the genitalia region.”
I was shocked into an old standby comeback, “You know that genitalia is Italian for genitals, don’t you? And there’s no way what you are saying makes any sense.”
From the other side of the table, Smurf hits us with, “I just don’t think she wants it orbiting inside the nutmosphere.”
He takes a sip from the offending plutonium mug and next to him, Man 2 comes in with, “What? Too Salty?”
I’m back, still wiping my eyes from the nutmosphere crack. “Binary System, who knows what you’ll run into…”
Smurf replaces mug on table, Stick reaches and then, as if taking the rejected dish back to the chef, “Did sir find the chicken soup too nutty?”
Me: “We’ve all got bags to carry on this trip ma’am.”