03 July 2009

Close, But No Bamboo

The knockers are always going to take a shot at you when you are at the top.

As a world reviled naturist* and panda expert, I and my roving assistants are constantly in the firing line of those that would tarnish our good name. But let me say right here and now that we at the Grey Area Institute for Fuzzy Things are not so easily fooled.

Here again, we see an elaborate hoax designed to fool us into producing bogus work. On his travels, some people have attempted to dupe my colleague Gooby, into spending time at their institute, studying the “pandas”. He posted me this revealing photo last night.

But my esteemed workmate and friend saw through the charade almost instantly. He knows damn well that you can’t put two badgers and a skunk on stilts and pass them off as pandas.

*Yes I know. It’s a joke, Joyce.


  1. That is the strangest picture. Elephants should not be dressed as pandas - they look creepy. Lol.
