04 March 2010

Shut Up Shut Up Shut Up And Go To An Instant Election

I'm already sick of the hospitals health thingy. One news cycle and I can't hear any more.

Just do it! Just have a full, stinking, double disappointment election. Chuck in a couple of impossible referendum points while we're all there. Spare us this endless polls analysis and venal grasping for approval.

I pretty much dislike you all anyway (Not you Tony. It's deeper and nastier when it comes to you. There's a special place on my shit-list for you) so it's going to be another round of trying to pick who isn't actively evil.


  1. Couldn't agree more! I'm a news junkie but at the first sound of an Australian politician of any creed and I'm flicking the radio switch. One team talks about doing stuff without really producing the goods, and the other blindly objects to everything - useless.

  2. Sorry, that previous pollie blert was brought you by Number 9's Mistress x
