13 October 2009


If you've ever seen the Australian film by the same name, you'll remember that it had something to do with a blind guy who took photos. Well, that's a little like me in China. I am the world's worst photographer. I don't know why. It's sort of like an anti-superpower. Spelling and photography - I can't do either. (I won't pretend that's the limit of my shortcomings, but they're the two most relevant to a blob that includes travel posts.)

I've been making all sorts of wild claims about what I've been up to and not posting any evidence. I will put together a short photo essay when I'm back in Oz and not limited by technical issues. I simply can't load up photos at the moment.

I've been up mountains, in balloons, next to pandas, near dead dogs, on bicycles, between carriages and out to lunch. They're just a couple of the crackers.

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